What is it that people are often more "worried" about the life of others than about their own? Some people like to talk and judge others but completely forget that they do not even know anything about the person or what really happened. So why is it so popular to talk about the problems of others?
Is it because it entertains and brings more excitement into the day or is it because they do not want to think about their own life? Maybe when people see and talk about the failure of others they do not feel so bad about their own mistakes and problems because if other people have problems too or their problems are even worse than it is ok for everybody else. It is a kind of confirmation that it is normal to have those kinds of problems and it is not necessary to change something even if the person is not really happy with the way things are.

I think it is important to figure out for ourselves what we want in life and not what other people tell us because we have to be happy with our life and nobody else. We have to start thinking more about what is really important in life and not compare it with the life of others or try to find excuses why our life is the way it is. "That's the way it is and I cannot change it," is a phrase I often heard in this context but if we start to think about ourselves, what we want, and what we feel, and if we try to change something it will happen.
Exactamundo! If people only could mind their business (except when being helpful of course) the world would be a better place.