What is more important to learn for life or to get good grades? For the long run I would say learning for life is more important. But in college grades are important to have a good start into the job world. Good grades and some job experiences during college are crucial to collect plus points which you need to compete with others for a job. So, to stick out of the crowd you have to offer more than only a bachelor degree.

The question is now if good grades should be from more value during college than to concentrate on taking something with you from each class. I found myself often in the situation where I studied for an exam and only memorized all the material I needed to know. But already 2 hours after the exam I could only remember 70 percent of the stuff I “studied”. After 6 hours the memorized material shrunk to 50 percent. The day after the exam I remembered around 40 percent and the week after I hardly remembered what the main topics of the material were. So, for me good grades do not mean that one person is better than another for a specific job. There are other criteria which should be considered first.
Many colleges show with their education systems that they try more and more to integrate the importance of learning for life in classroom. So students are able to get good grades for learning for life. At the end it comes all together and the things people learn, they learn them for life.